Where has the year gone? It seems like the Kitty Awards were only yesterday and no... even though I don't update this blog THAT much... it has been a whole year since the best awards show of the season. Well, OK, the Academy Awards is on this weekend and they have learned their lesson as far as hosts because, yes, they have our host with the most... Neil Patrick Harris!!! Way to go, AA!
But we had him first, well, the Tonys had him first...but we had him second and plucky guy that he is, even with all the grueling AA rehearsals etc... he still found the time to join us here! We are honored by his loyalty!! And here he is... looking as dashing and elegant as ever, Mr. NPH!
By now, you all know who has been nominated for the Academy Awards. As you know, the Kitty will go to the most deserving winners. Not the movies that cost the most, or the biggest stars. As always, we will use the Academy Award list of nominees so you can see if the judges at the Kittys agree or if they have surprising new nominations that you can get excited about! Nominees the Academy may have overlooked! Now, get ready to settle back and enjoy the show! It's time for... the 6th Annual (can you believe it???) Kitty Awards for all you viewers (well, readers) out there!
Take it away, Neil!
OK, get ready, here is the first Award:
Best Supporting Actor Robert Duvall in The Judge
Ethan Hawke in Boyhood
Edward Norton in Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
Mark Ruffalo in Foxcatcher
J.K. Simmons in Whiplash
Of these movies, the Judges have only seen Boyhood. Given that...the winner can only be Ethan Hawke! And hey, the judges LOVE Ethan for all the Before Sunrise etc. films also by Mr. Linklater. He can do no wrong as far as the judges go. Congratulations, Ethan! The AA can only be a letdown after this amazing win!!!
Now, on to:Best Supporting Actress
Patricia Arquette in Boyhood
Laura Dern in Wild
Keira Knightley in The Imitation Game
Emma Stone in Birdman
Meryl Streep in Into the Woods
The judges found this to be an iffy year for movies... but an incredible one for actresses on TV. They thought, hey, media is media, all things end up on TV, or cable eventually and they want to show some love for the woman who steals every scene she's in since she came on board on the Walking Dead! Let's hear it for the Kitty's Best Supporting Actress of any media: Michonne!!! Or, as she is known in real life, Ms. Danai Gurira !
Here she is in action: (fromYoutuber AdamIsLulz )
Congratulations, Danai!
Best Actor
Steve Carell in “Foxcatcher”
Bradley Cooper in “American Sniper”
Benedict Cumberbatch in “The Imitation Game”
Michael Keaton in “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)”
Eddie Redmayne in “The Theory of Everything”
Oh AA ... has anybody actually seen any of these movies? The judges hope to catch up with them on DVD or someplace. In the meantime... what actor is missing from this line-up in a movie people actually flocked to the cinema to see? No, not one of those super-hero movies. I'm talking Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow. Check out the Trailer:
The judges often have mixed feelings about Tom, but he's a winner here... and a winner of the Kitty! Hooray! This is your night, Tom!
And here is the award for:
Best Actress
Marion Cotillard in Two Days, One Night
Felicity Jones in The Theory of Everything
Julianne Moore in Still Alice
Rosamund Pike in Gone Girl
Reese Witherspoon in Wild
But, you know, there was a great and even classy film that did not get any attention with two most fantastic leading ladies: Belle, anyone? So the Judges are nominating
Sarah Gadon and Gugu Mbatha-Raw as the two young women raised by their uncle, a Chief Lord Justice of England in the 1770s. Take a look at this:
Great work. Don't you want to see it just from this preview? So the winners are
Sarah Gadon and Gugu Mbatha-Raw! Congratulations, ladies! Well done!
Sarah Gadon and Gugu Mbatha-Raw! Congratulations, ladies! Well done!
Now for:
Best Director
Birdman Alejandro G. Iñárritu
Boyhood Richard Linklater
Foxcatcher Bennett Miller
The Grand Budapest Hotel Wes Anderson
The Imitation Game Morten Tyldum
Based on his oeuvre (fancy film festival word!) and the Judges love for those Sunset/Midnight movies and the fact that Ellar Coltrane was so darned adorable they unanimously voted for Richard Linklater.
See for yourself:
Congratulations Mr. Linklater. Here is the whole cast to join you in this honor!

Best Director
Birdman Alejandro G. Iñárritu
Boyhood Richard Linklater
Foxcatcher Bennett Miller
The Grand Budapest Hotel Wes Anderson
The Imitation Game Morten Tyldum
Based on his oeuvre (fancy film festival word!) and the Judges love for those Sunset/Midnight movies and the fact that Ellar Coltrane was so darned adorable they unanimously voted for Richard Linklater.
See for yourself:
Congratulations Mr. Linklater. Here is the whole cast to join you in this honor!

Ida Poland
Leviathan Russia
Tangerines Estonia
Timbuktu Mauritania
Wild Tales Argentina
The judges haven't seen ANY of these... but they have seen Blue is the Warmest Color on Netflix and we think that counts as it is an unforgettable story of two girls in love in France with wonderful performances by Léa Seydoux and Adèle Exarchopoulos as the leads. Have a look:
Looks good, right?
And the winner of the Best Foreign Film category is, can there be any doubt? Blue is the Warmest Color! Congratulations, Léa and Adèle!
Best Original Song
Everything Is Awesome” from “The Lego Movie”
Music and Lyric by Shawn Patterson
“Glory” from “Selma”
Music and Lyric by John Stephens and Lonnie Lynn
“Grateful” from “Beyond the Lights”
Music and Lyric by Diane Warren
“I’m Not Gonna Miss You” from “Glen Campbell…I’ll Be Me”
Music and Lyric by Glen Campbell and Julian Raymond
“Lost Stars” from “Begin Again”
Music and Lyric by Gregg Alexander and Danielle Brisebois
And what is missing from this list, the judges ask. Why the end credit theme from Edge of Tomorrow by John Newman. We don't know if it is "original" regarding this film, but we know what we like! Have a listen:
Way to go, judges!
Now, for the 3rd year in a row, a very special award!!! It's time for the Kitty Lifetime Achievement Award! The award honoring a star's fabulous accomplishments in the arts or what have you and our amazing winner is...Surprise! Neil Patrick Harris!!! Our Host with a capital H! Yes, Neil, it's you!
This year alone you co-starred in a major movie and a major TV show! Who could ever forget you as the creepy ventriloquist in American Horror Story: Freak Show?
And then you played a major role in a major movie as the kind, yet disturbed and possessive though always there for you former boyfriend of Gone Girl who meets a shocking, icky end.
And looking back at his great body, yes, you do have a great body, we've seen a lot of it this year, but we meant... of work, Neil, of work! Remember him as the singing Super Villain, Dr. Horrible? What could be cuter or more dear than this????
And this look from Youtube on your 10 Greatest Moments:
Congratulations, Neil!
And now... the BIGGEST award of the night. Get ready, here are the nominees. Which picture will get the Kitty? It's exciting, yes...as it all comes down to this.
Best Picture
American Sniper
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Imitation Game
The Theory of Everything
While the judges did love the Grand Budapest Hotel and Boyhood... they also love a good action movie with repetitions...scenes where the lead has to relive moments of his life to get it right at some point, and this year's fantastic action movie with those kind of scenes was Edge of Tomorrow or Live, Die, Repeat as it even has two titles! Tom Cruise was already a winner as was the end title song. So, the Kitty Judges have spoken and the Best Film Award goes to Edge of Tomorrow! Here's another look at this great movie!
The excitement is coming to a close for this, the 6th Annual Kitty Awards, probably the most exciting ever! We can hardly wait for next year! If you haven't gotten to see any of the winners and nominated flicks... you can wait for the DVDs and then check them out at your local Library for FREE!. Thanks, again, to our host, that talent of talents, Mr. Neil Patrick Harris! See you next year and good luck with those Oscars!
* A note about the Kitty Award itself. The statue was inspired by the late and majestic cat among cats: Big Eric. He will live on in the hearts of all the Kitty Award recipients.
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