Sunday, November 27, 2022

Six Chix Cartoons! Plus Tribute to Charles M. Schulz !

 I seriously forgot to post the Six Chix cartoons from the last 2 weeks! Plus, yesterday was the 100th Birthday of Charles M. Schulz and was celebrated by cartoonists all over, including me! 

So I'll start with that cartoon:

As a girl, I was crazy about Peanuts and actually had a crush on Linus. Who wouldn't? I learned to read partly because I wanted to read our collections of cartoons we had at home. His expressive and deceptively simple lines made me want to be a cartoonist, and lo and behold, I eventually became one!

Last week's cartoon was a Thanksgiving one:

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because Nico and Jeremiah are here! Nico and I make the most of our time together with baking day:

and shopping and even a visit to the beach which was so windy and rainy, it kept turning the Edward Gorey umbrella inside out!

Last week was also my Sunday. Nico and Jeremiah's cats Roger and Jagger partly inspired the black cat in this one:

And the last Six Chix I forgot to post was based partly on Peaches who insists on taking over my pillow, usually at something like 3 in the morning. She is the cutest, so she usually gets her way!

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